Need Fire Code Help? Contact Us for a FREE Quote! - (416) 809-6186
We Provide Value in the Form of Fire Safety
Specializing in Fire Code Compliance in all Building Types and Occupancies

Need Fire Code Help? Contact Us for a FREE Quote! - (416) 809-6186
Specializing in Fire Code Compliance in all Building Types and Occupancies
Fire Advisor Consulting Inc. is a fire and life safety consulting firm based in Toronto, Ontario. We specialize in helping our clients achieve Ontario Fire Code compliance by providing fire and life safety consulting and training services for all building and occupancy types.
Fire Advisor Consulting Inc. will assist you with understanding where your building stands with respect to Fire Code compliance and provide solutions so that you meet your obligations with respect to fire safety and prevention.
Please have a look at our services page to see if we can be of assistance.
The Ontario Fire Code is a regulation outlining the minimum fire safety requirements for existing buildings in Ontario. It stipulates how existing buildings are to be inspected, tested and maintained.
Ontario Fire Code requirements include, but are not limited to:
The Ontario Fire Code specifically states that “the owner is responsible for carrying out the provisions of this Code”.
The Ontario Fire Code defines an owner as: "any person, firm or corporation having control over any portion of the building or property under consideration and includes the persons in the building or property."
As you can see, the definition of owner is purposefully very broad. Consequently, an owner may be any one of, or a combination of parties, including building management, maintenance staff and tenant groups.
As an owner, it is your responsibility to do your due diligence and ensure your building meets Fire Code regulations. Understand the requirements and protect your investment.
Protect your personnel, property and business operations through prevention of fire. Protect yourself and your business from liability, legal action and denied insurance claims due to Fire Code negligence.
It is important to understand that if the Fire Department conducts an inspection of your building and you are found to be violating the Fire Code, you can face fines of up to $50,000 for an individual ($100,000 for a subsequent offence) and $500,000 for a corporation ($1,500,000 for a subsequent offence) and / or up to one year in prison. Heavy fines and convictions for Fire Code violations are levied on owners all across the province, very frequently.
With over 18 years experience in the fire protection industry, our firm is well versed in assisting our clients with fire and life safety solutions for their building.
Our experience, knowledge, devotion to accuracy and customer service is the backbone of our business. We are committed to being your trusted partner in all of your Fire Code compliance needs
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